We chose Grace Lutheran for the confirmation program…we have stayed because it now feels like home. After visiting several churches in the area for a while, Tyler and Abbey reached confirmation age. Having been raised Lutheran as a child myself, I wanted them to experience confirmation as well and was glad to learn Grace Lutheran offered it. Our church family continues to bless children through all phases of their high school and college journey, even sending care packages while away at school. Grace has become home for us and the programs that honor our kids are an awesome part of that. We are grateful to be a part of this amazing congregation and look forward to many more years here. — Nikki and Kevin Austin
Our family came to Grace after making a huge change by moving from Chicago to Monroe during the pandemic. We were feeling lost and in need of a community where we could find grounding and connection in our faith. Grace became that community for us and a place where we were able to find God in the liturgy and the people. We experienced the gift of having our three children baptized surrounded by the Grace family. It has been a joy and blessing to become a part of a group of families our age that we learn, live, and grow with. We are grateful for the blessing that the faith community at Grace is to our family.
— Tim, Krissy, Julia, Henry, and Oscar Hakanson
Barb and Mo Sathoff joined Grace Lutheran Church 50 years ago when they moved to Monroe in July 1974 with Lance and Ellen. Matt was born in 1978 and baptized at Grace Lutheran Church. After 12 years of school and residency in Milwaukee, Lance returned to church in Monroe in 1993. Sam & Ellen Mathiason were married here in August 1993 and became members in August 2004 when they moved to Monroe with Sydney & Grace. Ryan was born and baptized here in 2006. Three generations o…